Thursday, November 5, 2009

W-I-P and the Mending Basket

Well the mending basket is overflowing and hubby decided I really needed to fix his work pants, so nothing really exciting going on here. I am in the middle of another sweater transformation and I am painting this thing here. It is that wonderful "can't decide if it aqua or blue" color.

I will hopefully be able to finish this project this weekend. So in between mending, I run over and put another coat of paint on. It will take about three or four before I am satisfied with the coverage.

I was reminded of this project when I saw a "Christmas Village" billboard. Christmas Village is a craft show in Nashville that I have been to in the past. This is one of those ideas that I saw at the show and thought "I can make that", accumulated all the supplies and never got around to. At least I kept all the project items together! Usually I am running around looking for the things I bought that I put in 20 different locations!

For anyone that paints, the turntable is a necessity. I picked these up long ago at yard sales with my sister-in-law for 25 cents. I use them all the time! Everyone should have one! Or in my case 6!

Be back soon!


ANIB said...

So what does the W-I-P stand for??

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see what this is going to be. I always giggle a bit when I see your.."can you guess what this is?" posts. Whatever it is I'm sure it'll be fantastic.

So how'd the mending go? I hate that job.. & I really hate it when my friends ask me to fix stuff for their husband's pants. Blah :)! I can't say know though.